Sunday, August 30, 2015

Who are the 'Real Anarchists'?

In my previous articles such as 'Your Ideology is Trivial', 'The Argument for Panarchism', and 'Defeating the Alpha Male', I've refuted the need for meaningless division based on ideology, ego, and strategy while maintaining that concrete steps to destroying hierarchy and the dominators of society are objective and require no initiation, passwords or dues from any individual. In this article, I'll be explaining further need for the 'perfect anarchist' and how to be closer to becoming one. Not everyone may agree with the points given in this article and it is by no means an attempt to 'finger wag' at anarchists, obviously. This article also not meant to encourage self-abuse for an impossible goal of 'perfection', but given that anarchists and other idealists are able to see the world clearly and without the propaganda of the dominator's institutions clouding their vision, it's possibly the biggest tragedy of modern times that the people most able to see what's wrong with the world aren't steering institutions in a peaceful direction, liberating slaves (yes, slavery still exists), being heroes for their microcosms, or joining the counter-economy on a massive scale.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that there are some self-declared anarchists that are more anarchist than others. Some anarchists are such in name only, and discuss strategy and politics online (not that there is anything necessarily wrong with this, everyone has a unique situation). Some anarchists are 100% anarchist with their mind, body, and soul. They burn the American flag, never pay taxes, and confront cops with video cameras about liberty any time they're harassed by them. These are merely indicators which make a person psychologically visible to others, though. An American- libertarian burning the American flag shows that he or she is fed up with the idea of the constitution and the idea of a central government, but it doesn't show how effective they are in their strategies or objectives. These are just words and symbols, and they have no power unless they are backed by concrete actions.

The perfect anarchist is one who plans, speaks, acts, and chooses with objectives in mind. This means taking care of oneself physically, spiritually, emotionally, and recognizing that there is never truly a need to compromise with evil or weakness. In any compromise, it is only evil that can benefit. The perfect anarchist also does not seek any power over others. As Ayn Rand eloquently put it, "Power lust is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind". The anarchists don't abandon their minds or bodies, but seek to further their own skills (mental and physical) each day to integrate themselves into the living organism of human society and planet earth. Change comes from repeatable win-win interactions that set the example for others. The perfect anarchist shows within every thought and movement that happiness comes from less control and dictating, not centralization or power. The perfect anarchist creates leaders and helps his partners, not dictate to underlings.

As a true anarchist, there is only one way to convince others to join the cause for liberty-- and that is being successful. Courageous or brilliant actions are the only way to provide substance to words and symbols. Many anarchists fall prey to emotional problems which bring symptoms such as lethargy, depression, substance abuse and other behaviors that don't contribute to anyone's life. This isn't surprising, though. Anarchists are often people who've seen the worst damage that hierarchy can do to societies and loved ones. A therapist once told me that everyone has to avoid reality at some point. This can happen through religion, internet memes, substances, frivolous materialism, sex or any other escape people use. To think about the horrifying abuses and trauma being inflicted daily on the planet for extended periods of time can lead to feelings of paralysis and helplessness, particularly if the anarchist has been a victim of trauma himself. However, many people fail to see this as an extremely hopeful sign. Anarchists feel this way because part of them rigidly refuses to ignore truth, and people who seem well-adjusted and happy are often simply distorting ethics or avoiding reality on a regular basis to feel this way (think of the American that accepts 'might makes right' to avoid feeling bad for Iraqis or having to confront members of the military). Addiction is a sign that the individual is still experiencing pain from evil, and that this individual hasn't given up on the fight. The only way to numb this pain without solving the real-world problems is to accept that things are hopeless and become one of the abusers in the world. This can only happen from a distortion of ethics and the suppression of empathy. Only the anarchist can experience true happiness, which comes not from pleasure, but from seeing the world change and paving a way for their genes to thrive when they're passed on. The perfect anarchist's conscience is pure, and allows the contempt he or she feels against evil to inspire cunning and courage. The perfect anarchist does not even have to think before doing the right thing.

To unleash an anarchist from their mental prison of pain that comes from perceiving reality correctly and without filter, many emotional blocks have to be overcome. There are many models for 'unleashing the true self' such as Maslow's hierarchy or the Vedic chakra system. Oftentimes, this involves introspection with the use of tools like psychedelics (which are not necessarily for everyone), therapy, and asking for advice from people more experienced with the problems the individual is facing. Many times, the best people qualified to help on a psychological problem are those who have had the problem themselves and have overcome it already. Not all therapists agree with this sentiment, because it conflicts with their bottom line. The perfect anarchist understands that other people come from very different backgrounds and therefore have developed different parts of themselves. While some people may be more very mature in one area and lacking in most of the other areas, others are balanced but could still use fine-tuning. The perfect anarchist readily trades his or her knowledge and has a strong support structure comprised of unyielding bonds. These bonds and trusted people are necessary to point out deficiencies and blind spots that the individual may be completely unaware of. A perfect anarchist allows all truth in regardless of whether it comes from a friend or enemy, and understands that there should be no secrets between their most trusted friends. The only secrets a perfect anarchist is interested in are the secrets nature has not yet revealed or the ones which the anarchist is as-of-yet unable to articulate. A true anarchist understands knowledge is provisional and no one has any reason to silence the truth from being spoken, especially when it's being said to contribute to the well being of everyone.

A fully realized anarchist is an unstoppable force. The fully realized anarchist is not crippled by any psychological wounds nor misled by lies. All empires and evil institutions rely on these two factors in order to continue. Psychological trauma, Stockholm syndrome, and mob mentality keep the soldier from questioning, or lazy thinking and the passive acceptance of lies can mislead someone into serving a crown, but this too comes with a cost. It is therefore that no soldier (figuratively speaking) for an empire can fight for a crown with the same intelligence, sophistication or zeal with which an anarchist fights for planet earth. A perfect anarchist continually judges and updates plans and expectations to meet the objectives, and evaluates each situation without any script. An anarchist makes plans, but does not adhere mindlessly to any pattern laid out by judgements of anyone else. Against an opponent that adheres to logic and knows their beliefs are self-evident, there can be no victory. The perfect anarchist has seen the end of history and is really just filling in the gaps, and understands that even in the highly unlikely event that they fail, history will still inevitably play out in the way they imagine it to, even if it ends up being hundreds or thousands of years later. This is what it means to have ideals that are objectively correct. The perfect anarchist haunts the dreams of liars and cheats. The perfect liar or perfect cheat knows better than anyone else that the perfect anarchist already knows what's going to happen, will never surrender, and most importantly, expects to win.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A New Kind of Market

Imagine a man named Bob. Bob is honest, hardworking, and not an idiot. Bob wants to start his off-grid homestead. He knows how to build everything he needs, but he lacks funding. Since he's already thinking of starting an off-grid farm, he thinks he could go ahead and try making it large enough to be profitable. He could hire people that love working outdoors for a decent wage + meals, and he could even create a farmer's market. But if he creates a farmer's market, Bob knows he's going to have demand year-round so he should probably keep a green house or two so that he can produce his amazing food all winter.

Dreams are free, but implementation is not. Bob goes to the bank, and he is turned away. The bank thinks Bob is a hippie and may not care to pay them back if Bob doesn't like living in an off-grid home. The bank prefers a safe bet-- which means a regular house with a wife and kids, and with Bob having a 9-5 job. Bob is a high school graduate and never had money for college but he knows quite a bit about building already.

Bob then tries the venture capitalist market. They laugh and turn him away.

Bob then tries the stock market and creating a publicly traded company. They laugh more and turn him away.

Bob becomes sad and he has no great network of friends with lots of capital. People in his town know of him, but he's not exactly famous. Bob then tries his last option-- a new company called Proudsource.

On Proudsource, Bob creates a profile and lists his idea. Surprisingly, Bob finds an old high school teacher (let's call him Tim) has an organization for entrepreneurs. Bob messages Tim and Tim remembers Bob. Bob explains his situation and says that this is his last option and that he's willing to do anything to make his dream a reality. Tim invites Bob into his organization and now Bob can benefit from the reputation of Tim.

Tim announces to his investor contacts what Bob is up to, and many well-capitalized contacts of Tim start to look at Bob's idea. They love his plans, his location, and find there is already intense interest for a competing farmer's market. The locals in Bob's town hate Walmart, and also know if anyone could be a successful farmer, it's Bob.

Suddenly Bob finds himself with $20,000 in bitcoin from strangers he's never met. Tim tells him that Bob has to deliver on his promises with $20,000 and that after that, he will be able to receive more. Excited, Bob buys his plot of land and Tim oversees this process.

Documents are uploaded, news stories are published, and photos are taken of Bob and his progress. Bob runs out of capital and then announces to Proudsource he's completed all of his obligations so far. More investors observe Bob and Bob finds himself with $80,000.

Bob has collected a total of $100,000, but Bob doesn't need to start making payments right away. Instead, he told his investors that he would be doing a progressive return on capital contract (PROC). This means that Bob doesn't have to start making payments on the first month of receiving the loan, which makes no sense to him for a project this long-term. Bob has to start making payments 1 year after he gets his loan, and he'll have plenty of time to get everything set up before then. If he doesn't, Tim will seize his assets by taking him to court and Bob could end up in jail or having to work for Tim to pay his debts. Bob is an honest man though.

Bob builds his farm, green houses, and market within 10 months and exhausts his capital. Bob planned to start his payments in the summer, which means he'll have time for a first harvest and to build a market. By the time Bob has to start making payments, he has saved up a little money to be able to repay, and his market is strong.

His PROC contract says that for 5 years, Bob has to pay his investors 20% of his profits each month, regardless of the amount. For five years, Bob pays handsome returns to his investors which ends up being far more than the $100,000 they invested. Thanks to Bitpay, the investors don't worry about Bob cheating them. Tim oversees the blockchain payment system setup so that each transaction is verifiable, and also hangs a sign at Bob's market saying that if Bob's employee doesn't give a reciept with a purchase, the purchase is free. Naturally every customer hopes Bob's employee makes a mistake but he never does. Every transaction goes through the system and Bob's investors have a live view of every transaction that goes through his business.

Bob is thrilled to have a new life, Bob's investors made far more than they would have at the stock market or being loan sharks, and the community loves Bob's bitcoin farmer's market.

Welcome to the crash-proof future of finance.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Your Idealogy is Trivial

Are you skeptical of establishments in general and eager to improve the world? You have millions of comrades around the world, but this is a very broad umbrella. Some of your comrades are capitalists, some are conservatives, some are communists, and some are even working for people and institutions you think must be destroyed. They are all still your comrades, and you can still love them. They are simply reacting to the world based on the reality tunnel they're going through. Your ignorance separates you from them and their ignorance separates them from you, but paying attention to the division is completely unnecessary. There is no reason for you to oppose a doctor or fireman simply because you aren't one of those and their way of helping the world is different from what you've chosen, and neither is the case for anyone we disagree with on ideological grounds. 

Unknown to most, one's perspective on how the universe operates makes a huge deal of difference towards one's happiness. Children that experience horrible parenting commonly become adults that are somehow 'chronically unhappy' because of unknown reasons. These children as adults are frequently addicted or pursuing relationships that are destroying their lives, not contributing to it because of escapes hedonistic choices offer from the pain of everyday life. To a large extent, these people are in a reality tunnel in which people are uncaring, dull, cruel or unpredictable. Such adults as children may also develop problems in self esteem ("If my own mother feels this way about me, it must be true") and struggle to take pleasure in the upkeep and progress of their own lives. A person who doesn't realize how many people they can truly count as allies and friends is also living in a dark reality tunnel of delusion, and their happiness suffers for it. 
Philosophy may be very complicated and possibly even a completely subjective field, but value systems and reality are not. All of us have value systems-- or a mental ranking of things which are important to us. For example, your value system may look something like this:

1. My own safety
2. My immediate family and their needs
3. My girlfriend and her needs
4. My life savings within my bitcoin wallet
5. My pet hamster and his needs
6. The project I've been working on for the last 10 years
7. Etc.

It's impossible to know a person's value system, but we can know that things that contribute or benefits their values are evaluated as good, and things which take them away are evaluated as evil.
Many things can influence these value systems, such as past experiences, emotional investment, and loyalty (in ranking people). However, one thing that rational people have in common is that they pursue directions and goals to contribute to these values in ways that don't harm the values of others (except in self defense). It's easy to think of scenarios in which this can be a complicated issue, but in our reality these scenarios don't happen often. Most of the time, we don't end up in a situation  from a horror movie in which our values horribly conflict, and we have to decide between killing our dog or a random stranger. Individuals new to philosophy are also commonly experts at drawing meaningless divisions between people by imagining artificial scenarios. For example, disagreements about what property is, whether land can be owned, or whether people should be forced to help others don't ever really need to become issues if the individuals involved just remember what their value systems are. In the end those needs need to be met, and there is often an objective and easy-to-understand path that leads to everyone's needs being met. In the age of the informational revolution, this is easier than ever. We can choose to live in a world where any discomfort is way to serve someone else and therefore an opportunity for accomplishing together and taking joy in our connected fates.

For this reason it makes no sense to consider idealistic government bureaucrats, intelligent stars from Hollywood, or even awakened soldiers as our enemies. As long as the individual being judged is psychologically "awake", logical, empathetic and an idealist at heart, there is never any reason to consider them enemy by default. People that are "asleep" and continue to mindlessly follow scripts from corrupt institutions or turn the other way when they see something wrong happening are rightfully feared.

When our interests align through reason and we have clear conscience, labels cease to matter. Liberal, anarchist, nudist, Buddhist or Christian can all find support for each other. On a darker note though, the notion that labels don't matter also means that people with labels that we may have positive reactions to can be toxic. In the real world, all that matters is how their actions align with supporting rational ethics. This means being a hopeful and uplifting influence, contributing in real ways to the community (or trying to) and every other virtue we expect from great countrymen. 

It's highly unlikely that every member of any ideology never steals, back stabs or lies, whether or not they practice the tenets consistently. Hitler was a vegetarian and loved by the world (he was allowed to host the 1936 Olympics in Berlin), which shows how little bearing public opinion, public image, or professed commitment have in the real world. Even within ideologies such as Islam or Jainism, which have daily requirements anyone not fully committed would be unlikely to complete, even tight networks of trusted individuals often fall prey to betrayal. People are subject to change, and when communities have let their guard down, sometimes it becomes easier for people to change.

There are many techniques people use to know and judge who their real allies are, and many of them are learned through experience or deep connections that make successful betrayal more difficult. When evaluating whether or not a stranger could be a friend or ally, it makes sense to remember our objectives, and not cast aside a potentially life changing connection because ideology or stereotypes dictate otherwise. If an Indian Hindu is trying to build a tree house, and someone else offers to help although they're a Pakistani Muslim, it makes no sense to turn them away. Reason, authentic connection, and reality-based goals are enough to warrant hand shakes and friendship.